The physical body cannot be considered as your real Self, because even when you are fast asleep and are not conscious of this gross body, still you are existing. So, if you can exist even without the consciousness of a body, it follows from that experience that you can exist without the body. That means you are not the body. One who is the experiencer, the witness, in all the three states of waking, dreaming and sleeping, this is pure consciousness, your true Self, your Soul.

So let's always see ourselves to be that Soul only as it is eternally present. It always remains in our body, be it gross or subtle. So let's not identify ourselves with this gross body but with the eternal Soul. Let's think ourselves to be part & parcel of that Universal Soul (God) than identifying ourselves with this body. Once we do that we shall always be with that Universal Soul (God) & shall always enjoy happiness & bliss in life.

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